Never make a bad decision again

Learn how to make the right decisions with our easy to memorize mental models illustrated book


Struggling to make the right decisions?

Never be wrong again!


Think faster, think better

Mental models are ready to use, and well thoughts shortcuts to think fast and to make better decisions


Don't fall into traps

Mental models include biases, knowing them will make you able to find them and to avoid falling into traps


Always be right

Mental models are powerful, but the key is in knowing them, this book makes the process very easy by providing easy to remember illustrations


Get a free preview of the book

The book is still in progress, in the meantime, register click below to download the free preview of the book!

Live a life without regrets

Our mental models will lead you to fewer mistakes and therefore fewer regrets

Start making fewer mistakes
No regrets illustration

Save more & spend your money wisely

Mental models & cognitive biases are used against you by marketers and sellers to make you spend your money, it's not too late to stop them!

Start spending more wisely
Wise money illustration

Think always one step ahead

Our mental models will make you figure out things others will not

Start thinking faster than others
Strategy illustration

Frequent Asked Questions

How can I use mental models?

Mental models can be used anywhere you have to make a decision, or to understand something or someone's behavior: at work, when commuting, in a conversation, at the groceries, while doing shopping.

Have I to learn mental models?

Kind of, reading this book once will help you remember the mental models thanks to their illustrations. To fully learn them you need to try to spot them (as a game) in real life.

Can I buy the book?

Not yet, the book is still in progress, you can get a free sample for now and we will let you know once available.

Become a better decision-maker

Learn how to make the right decisions with our easy to memorize mental models illustrated book